The importance of the mother-child bond in the first year of life


El first year of life It is a crucial period in which the psychoaffective foundations necessary for the development of the baby are laid, allowing him to perceive himself as a differentiated individual with his own psyche. In this stage of vulnerability and total dependence, the baby needs a caring environment that provides attention, affection, recognition and continuity of care, which provides security and well-being.

The caregiver must be attentive to the baby's signals, offering an appropriate response to their needs of emotional regulation, hunger, sleep and play. This process strengthens the bonds that seek a security link necessary for their growth and development.

Neus Marí, a psychopedagogue at the Neurodevelopment Unit of the Corachan Clinic, points out that in recent decades, the care of relational and emotional needs of the baby, in addition to the physiological ones. This approach favors the baby's interaction with their environment, promoting integral development.

El mother-child relationship it is not only essential for survival, but also for the safe and functional development of the baby. The bond of affection with the caregiver allows the baby Explore the world safely, through sensory and motor development. In the first few months, exploration through the caregiver's sight, touch, and voice is essential.

El breastfeeding It is one of the main moments of interaction, but the bond does not depend solely on breastfeeding. The important thing is that feeding is a relational and sensory moment that strengthens the connection between the baby and the caregiver, regardless of whether it is done with a breast or a bottle.

As the baby grows, it begins to explore the environment with greater autonomy, and the parental function also comes into play, facilitating social interaction and the discovery of the world beyond the mother-baby dyad. This secure bond allows children to develop a greater curiosity about the world, always with the certainty that their caregivers will be there to meet their needs.


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